I am a mummy of 4, and have spent most of my adult life struggling with body confidence, unhealthy relationships with food and being overweight, and miserable on the inside!!

I was that women who was so scared to enter a gym as I told myself that everyone was going to be fitter than me and was under the illusion that all eyes would be on me! This fear held me back from even starting my journey for a lot of my late twenties and early thirties.

So trust me when I tell you, I feel you! 

I have dug in, and through personal development, feeling the fear and doing it anyway, I have changed my mindset! My relationship with food is healthy, I LOVE exercise and the way it makes me feel!

My mission is to support other mums to learn to love themselves again, to support them back into fitness and make them feel the best version of themselves.....I did it, now let me help you!

    Claire xxxx


Feeling truly confident and comfortable in your own skin is something that many of us struggle with on a daily basis.

In these days of Photoshopped images and 24/7 social media, it is all too easy to feel like you don’t measure up. 

It’s time to take back control and start feeling GREAT about yourself and ALL of your amazingness!

This course will take you through steps to boost your self-esteem and confidence.

Plus, it contains thought-provoking exercises and actionable strategies designed to create immediate shifts in your life – starting right NOW!